MobyToken on Solana

Moby emerges as a visionary platform in this turbulent landscape, with a mission to redefine the ICO paradigm
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Moby emerges as a visionary platform in this turbulent landscape, with a mission to redefine the ICO paradigm. At its heart is the commitment to a community-driven ecosystem. Unlike traditional ICOs, Moby ensures significant community ownership and influence. This is achieved through a model where a majority of the token supply and a substantial portion of platform fees are allocated to the community members. Furthermore, Moby's structure is built on the pillars of transparency and democratic governance, ensuring that every stakeholder has a say in the platform's operations.

Versatile Communication Protocol
Efficient Utilization of Solana's Features
Security and Privacy Emphasis


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Chats processed
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Customer satisfaction
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Active users
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Plugins on marketplace
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People using Solchat
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.


Guaranteed uptime
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Phase 1

Establishing the Website
Crafting the Whitepaper
Implementing Solchat Messages
Socials Verification
Prelaunch Marketing Initiatives
Community Building Activities

Phase 2

Whitelist on IDOSOL
Launching on raydium
Introducing Moby Audio Calls
Introducing Moby Staking
Securing Listings on CoinMarketCap (CMC) and CoinGecko (CG)

Phase 3

Expanding Community Reach
Implementing Global Marketing Strategies
Introducing Solchat Premium
Integrating SOL into the Platform
Establishing Dapp Partnerships
Launching Moby App on Apple Store

Phase 4

Implementing Moby Group Chat
Pursuing New DEX & CEX Listings
Launching Moby ADS
Phase 5 coming soon

They said this
about us

Hear the good, the bad, and the ugly of Muse AI. Non-filtered reviews, automatically scraped from our Google profile.

"I've been using this chatbot for the past three months and it has absolutely transformed my workflow. The model configuration options are excellent and provide incredible flexibility."

Emily Thompson

Product Manager @� TechPioneer

"The plugin support is a game-changer. I love being able to customize the chatbot to suit the specific needs of my project."

Isabella Garcia

CMO� @� Infotech Solutions

"In my opinion, the highlight of this chatbot is its multi-conversation feature. Handling multiple conversations simultaneously has never been easier. Highly recommended."

Jason Brooks

CEO @� Futuristix

"The responsiveness of this AI is fantastic. It's like having a real colleague who never sleeps. Also, the text-to-speech feature is a bonus. It makes learning and working so much more enjoyable!"

Olivia Green

UX/UI� Designer @� CreativeMinds

"The sense of security this chatbot provides is beyond expectations. I feel assured that my data is not being misused. Plus, the cost estimation feature is pretty helpful for budgeting."

Ryan Foster

Senior Developer @� NextGenTech

"Very impressed with the UI! The dark mode is easy on the eyes, and the feature set is comprehensive. I especially appreciate the mobile-friendly support as I often work on the go."

Michelle Watson

Data Analyst @� Insightful

Purchase once and
it's yours forever

Prices increasing soon, lock in your lifetime price now!

Basic chat features
All chat features
Access� to all AI� plugins
Model Configuration
All OpenAI� (ChatGPT) Models
Claude AI� Models
Custom system instruction
Stream response control
Temperature control
Presence &� frequency penalty control
Custom endpoint &� proxy
Custom model
Access to 50+� plugins
Ability to create your own plugins
Chat Management
Chat history search
Chat folders
Edit &� fork conversations
Import &� export conversations
Share, save &� pin conversations

Whitelists on IDOSOL